Sunday, March 26, 2017

We Have a Storyline, Folks!

OKAY SO, my group and I met up today and we brainstormed between the genres of horror and drama. I explained my gender roles idea and they liked it. However, the more we discussed it, the more we realized how hard it would be to make in regards to mis-en-scene elements. Then I posed the question, "What are you guys passionate about?"because it is much easier to make a film opening based off of something we are all four passionate about and agree upon. Jessica and Vicky both agreed that they're passionate about music while Tay said the school system and its corruption. I didn't necessarily agree because I appreciate the education I've received however I am open to the brainstorm because it would be very convenient to make considering we have an accessible school that we can film on.

After more brainstorming we came up with this idea of a girl who tries really hard in school but it just isn't cut out for her. She puts all she can into it but she just is not understanding the material. However, she is a theatre student and she happens to be very good at it. She wants to pursue acting even though everyone truly believes it is not realistic. This movie is something I am very passionate about because I know what it is like to go through this sort of process considering I wanted to pursue this exact same thing. Something even better is that, I get to act the part! I'm very excited to begin working on it.

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